Tag Archives: vectors

Vectorize an image using Inkscape

And now, for something completely different.

For a coming event we want to use logos from different bars and cafes around the block. The idea is to do a little of propaganda: banners, t-shirts, mugs all the way!

Some bars have their fancy logos already as a vector image. Other ones don’t even have a computer where the logo is stored.

In this post we’ll see how to create a vector file from a pixmap (jpg, png, whatever raster format that Inkscape can open). With a couple of examples, a graceful one and a crazy one.

There’s a lot of manuals online for this, an in-depth one with good examples can be found in Tavmjong Bah’s website.


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Filed under DIY, tools

Convex Hull, one algorithm implementation

I talked about convex hulls some time ago in an alpha shape post.

The convex hull is probably one of the most basic computational geometry algorithms, and because of that it is present in almost, if not all, geometry/cad/gis libraries and software packages. In this post you will find an explanation of one of the existing algorithms to compute it, an implementation with C++, plus a set of scripts to generate various point clouds and the corresponding hulls.


  • Describe one of the possible convex hull algorithms
  • Implement the algorithm in C++
  • Provide various scripts to generate random point clouds and compute its convex hulls

I won’t lie to you, this post might be boooring ;-).

continue to this long post


Filed under code, gis