Tag Archives: script

Tenma72-2540 Linux serial control

I daily work with a DC power supply to run different boards and prototypes. One day, plugging in the power supply I realized there was a USB and a COM port!
It is not correct from a tinkerer’s to avoid this option. So this day ended up with a small Python program (also golang, but that’s a different story) to use this feature.



Filed under code, tools

Retrieve KML links


On my previous post I worked with a kml that was splitted in various networked kmz files. This was particularly annoying given that I had to track the files in my computer.

I am ashamed, this should have been automatized! And since a friend prepared a nice script for it, here it is.

get my kmls

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Filed under gis, tools

Europe Countries – DbPedia+SPARQL+Python


DBpedia is a project that aims to extract structured information from Wikipedia. They generate RDF information that can be queried in different ways, one of this is using the SPARQL query language.

In this post I’ll show how to query Dbpedia using a python SPARQL wrapper to obtain all the Wikipedia points of places in Europe. The post explains it step by step, you can fork the code at my github.

NOTE from the future:
the original code was Europe.py. The closest actual code would be alldbpediapoints.py


The result will look something like this:

DBpedia Europe Points

DBpedia Europe Points

I have time, show me how it’s done


Filed under code, gis, Maps